Our Creative Founders.
This is the space to introduce the team and what makes it special. Describe the team culture and work philosophy. To help site visitors connect with the team, add details about team members’ experience and skills.
Position / Role
Taylor Quill

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.
Position / Role
Alex Smith

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.
Position / Role
Morgan James

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.
Dolomagic Mountain Guides
Florian Grossrubatscher
Guida alpina e sciistica UIAGM
Licenza n. ITBZ000454
Associazione guide alpine e sciistiche dell'Alto Adige
Partita IVA: IT 03208690218
Streda Col da Lech 82, 39048 Selva di Val Gardena, BZ, Italia
Esperienze in montagna in estate nelle Dolomiti con le migliori guide alpine delle Dolomiti e in inverno con le migliori guide di sciistiche nelle Dolomiti.
Ski Guide Dolomites
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This is a paragraph where you can include any information you’d like. It’s an opportunity to tell a story about the company.
Describe a feature you’d like to share about this company or highlight a particular service it offers.